NaGa DeMon Badges

Use the following badges to show your participation and support of National Game Design Month. (Right click and “Save as”.)

NagaDemon badge 22
NagaDemon 22 Tall banner
Naga Demon Badge 1
Naga Demon Badge 6 Icons
Naga Demon Slayer Badge
NagaDemon Banner


Links to useful art, tools, inspiration and articles on game design.


Resources for the design process.

Any Dice – for testing die probabilities

Icons8 – free flat icons

Game Icons – source of interesting icons for games of all kinds

Statistics How-To – an article on the probability of drawing from a deck of cards


Resources for putting your game together.

Affinity Publisher – a low-cost alternative to Adobe InDesign / Photoshop

Canva – for designing and editing images, social media posts, short videos and more.

Lulu, Ingram, Mixam – Print On Demand publishing companies

The Game Crafter – game components and printing

The PocketMod – for creating small, pocket-sized documents

Unsplash – high quality photos available under CC license

Pixabay – royalty free images and stock art

Articles, Blogs & Advice

Advice, ideas and more.

Zine Resource List – a comprehensive Reddit post with lots of resource links

r/gamedesign – Reddit thread for game designers

The Indie RPG Newsletter – a curated list of articles about indie RPGS

The RPG Design Zine – a great resource for TTRPG designers by Nathan D Paoletta

The Puzzle-Maker’s Paradox – Medium article on welcoming new players to a game

Yes Indie’d podcast – interviews with indie game designers. This link takes you to their Patreon, but you can find the podcast in your favourite app

Dieku Games podcast – a YouTube channel that interviews TTRPG designers and plays games